Global Scam Report

Fight Back Against Online Scams

Empowering individuals and communities to stand against cybercrime. Our platform is dedicated to raising awareness, promoting transparency, and providing the tools needed to tackle online scams and fraud effectively

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Report your experience and take the first step toward addressing online fraud. We make it simple and secure to file a detailed complaint.

Scam Prevention Tips

Learn how to identify and avoid online scams with our expert prevention tips. Stay informed and protect yourself from potential threats.

What We Do

Protecting You from
Cyber Threats

Our platform is a collaborative initiative dedicated to combating online scams and cybercrime. Backed by expertise and resources from leading organizations, we provide a centralized hub for reporting fraud, sharing prevention strategies, and fostering awareness. Together, we aim to enhance digital trust and protect individuals, businesses, and communities from evolving cyber threats.

Understanding Cybercrime

Cybercrime encompasses a range of illegal activities conducted through digital platforms, including phishing, identity theft, ransomware attacks, and online fraud. Recognizing these threats is the first step in protecting yourself and your organization. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) offers comprehensive resources to help you understand and identify various scams

How Scams Work

Scammers employ diverse tactics to deceive victims, such as creating fake websites, sending fraudulent emails, or impersonating trusted entities. Understanding these methods can help you recognize and avoid potential scams. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) provides a Scam Prevention Guide to help consumers make informed decisions and identify warning signs of online scams.

Reporting Fraud Effectively

Promptly reporting fraud is crucial for mitigating its impact and aiding investigations. The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) accepts online Internet crime complaints from either the person who believes they were defrauded or from a third party to the complainant

Cybersecurity Best Practices

Implementing robust cybersecurity measures is essential to protect your digital assets. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) offers guidelines on securing your personal and organizational data against cyber threats.

Stay Informed

Scam News and Alerts

Avoid Falling for ‘Shark Tank’ Scam Products

Avoid Falling for ‘Shark Tank’ Scam Products

Over the years, Shark Tank has become a beloved television show, where entrepreneurs pitch their products to a panel of…

Beware of Fake Employment Scams

Beware of Fake Employment Scams

As the digital job search process continues to grow, so do the number of fraudulent schemes targeting job seekers. Fake…

Latest Amazon-Impostor Scams

Latest Amazon-Impostor Scams

Amazon impostor scams have surged, with fraudsters posing as Amazon representatives to trick consumers into handing over sensitive personal information,…

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